How do you respond in a crisis?

How do you respond in a crisis? The answer could have a huge effect on your individual career, or on a larger scale, your company and brand. No one wishes or hopes for a crisis to occur, but it is important to be prepared and have a plan in place in the event that you find yourself in an unfavorable situation.

Take Chipotle, for example. The recent E-coli and norovirus outbreak has been a public and media frenzy that no one saw coming. A crisis like this could theoretically happen to any given restaurant or food outlet. The solution lies in how businesses respond and take action to mend the crisis. Chipotle has been working actively to implement a food safety program to reduce the risk of this happening in the future, and are about to embark on the biggest marketing campaign in the company history in order to win back concerned or deterred customers. Time will tell what the marketing campaign entails, but we can expect to see something big from this chain.

In our office, we always tease that there is no such thing as a “design emergency.” No small children have been injured; no one’s life is on the line. But crises do occur. I have had the opportunity to work in large retail corporations and as the CEO of my own company, so I have seen both perspectives.

Many people think that a crisis is only palpable in a large company, but that is a myth. Many entrepreneurs and smaller companies experience challenging and potentially business-breaking events that will affect their bottom line and their long-term brand equity. As a service provider and partner to both large and small companies, how we help support, aid and respond to a crisis is just as important.

Every crisis is different and requires specific strategies in order to fix or diffuse. However, when it comes to crisis management and the supervision of brand perception overall, a few best practices hold true. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when crafting your crisis response plan:

  • Be transparent

Throughout the entire crisis, it is most important for organizations to be transparent. This means letting consumers and the media have access to information, updates, business practices and company history. This is not easy for some companies to do, but it must be allowed in order to move past the crisis as easily as possible. The worst thing you can do during a crisis is shut your doors and ignore what is going on around you. This actually amplifies the problem and makes consumers distrust and dislike you. Be honest, authentic, and genuine in all of your communications by responding to inquiries and letting consumers and stakeholders know what is going on. Don’t try to lie or “beat around the bush” as we all know – the truth usually comes out.

  • Respond thoughtfully and in a timely manner

In the height or outbreak of the crisis, don’t panic. Take the time to meet with upper management and all necessary departments to discuss the plan of action. Everyone needs to be on the same page regarding what to say and when to say it. You don’t want to jump the gun and respond right away based off of emotion or initial reaction. Instead, you want to craft a well-thought out response in a timely manner. Don’t wait too long before providing a response – consumers and stakeholders will be left wondering where you are and what you are up to. Withholding a response will just fuel rumors and misconstrue the details of the story.

  • Show sympathy to anyone impacted by the crisis

When crafting your public or internal response plan, first and foremost you need to show sympathy to anyone affected by the crisis. They are the true victims of the situation, not your brand. Apologize for any harm or wrongdoing and take responsibility for what occurred. Failure to do so will make your brand come off as insensitive and selfish. I can’t tell you how many companies, when faced with a crisis, forget to apologize and take accountability for their actions. It makes it harder to bounce back in the long run and puts a sour taste in consumers’ mouths.

  • Get the facts straight and have a consistent message

Before responding, make sure all facts are straightened out. Nothing is worse than delivering a response to a crisis that you do not know enough about! This leads to widespread confusion and often more problems down the road. You won’t be able to answer important questions and could end up delivering the wrong information – yikes! If you do not know an answer, simply state that, and promise to get back to the person with the correct answer when it becomes available. Consistency is key in a crisis because mixed response gives the impression that something sketchy or unethical is taking place behind the scenes. This all goes back to the main point about remaining transparent and open until the problem is resolved.

  • Monitor your brand communications – especially online

After you respond to the situation, the process is far from over. You and your communications or PR team need to monitor your brand and communication across different platforms and media. You need to actively respond to consumers’ questions, especially online and on social media. Social media can act as a customer service portal during times of difficulty for brands. Customers have the ability to write posts, ask questions, and submit reviews for millions of other users to see. Your team needs to be proactively tracking these posts and responding in a timely fashion. You should never delete negative comments, or block anyone who disagrees with you on social media. Instead, the correct way to handle the situation is to address their concerns and provide a solution or further resources.

There are professional organizations that specialize in crisis management. In today’s “everyone sees and hears all” world, these providers are more important than ever. If you find yourself in a jam, be smart and get the professionals to handle it.

What other tips do you have for handling a crisis and managing brand perception? In your opinion, what companies have dealt with problems successfully? I’d love your feedback in the comments below.

The 4 S’s of Trade Show Booth Design

Many different aspects go in to planning and preparing for a trade show. Exhibitors typically begin planning months in advance, accounting for things such as registration, travel, booth design, collateral and marketing materials. Preparation is key in order to assure that nothing is forgotten or left behind.

One of the most important pieces of planning, and often the most time consuming, is the actual booth design and layout. What will your booth look like? What is the message you want to convey? These are very important questions that you don’t want to leave until the last moment. If you do not have a unique and well-designed booth that engages attendees, the rest of your efforts likely won’t matter. An advertisement for ExhibitorLIVE says it best,

“Principles of exhibiting #1: You cannot sell a buyer who doesn’t stop walking.”

So how do you connect with the right attendees and attract them to your booth? Excellent trade show booth design, of course! Here are the 4 S’s of trade show booth design to keep in mind when planning for your next trade show:

  • Structure

The first thing to consider when beginning your booth design process is the structure. There are so many different structures to choose from – some options include pop up frames, banners, fabric displays, and customizable units. You can either purchase or rent your booth structure, depending on which is better suited for your needs. It’s important to take into consideration the size of your exhibit space. Certain structures will be more conducive to certain spaces. You don’t want to end up with a booth that is too small or large for your designated area. When considering structure, you have to think ahead as to how you will display your products or services. Do you need shelves, storage, or media screens? You also need to consider the depth of the booth. For example, most booth spaces are 10′ x 10′ but at Expo East, they are 8′ by 10′ so you lose two feet in depth. If your structure is convex this can cause some space issues. We recommend reaching out to a trade show exhibit specialist who can help guide you in the right direction.

  • Stand out graphics

Once you determine the structure and size of your booth, stand out graphics will help to attract and engage trade show attendees. You want to design a booth that is clear and organized, but also exciting and different. Depending on the nature of your business, it may be appropriate to use mostly imagery, text, or charts and graphs. What is going to clearly communicate who you are, and what you do? The booth messaging needs to be very direct; you don’t want to confuse or overwhelm attendees with paragraphs of text. When it comes down to it, there are rows and rows of booths at any given trade show. What would stand out and make an impression to you? We have found that simple and bold is actually more effective at stopping the eye on a show floor. Don’t feel that you have to tell the attendeeseverything through the booth. Give them enough information to make them stop and want to learn more. Whatever direction you choose to go, be sure to keep your branding consistent throughout the design.

  • Storage

Storage is one of the most overlooked aspects of trade show booth design! Having appropriate storage space is crucial to having a fantastic booth. Without storage, booth staffers will have nowhere to put their belongings, and there won’t be any room for your extra marketing materials, products, or samples. You will have to store your things in plain sight, which makes for a very messy and overcrowded booth. Incorporate storage into your design from the beginning that is both functional and attractive. A few storage options are lockers, bins, tables, drawers, shelving units, and chairs or stools with inner storage space. These things can be integrated seamlessly with your design and can even enhance the appearance of your booth.

  • Sampling/SWAG

Lastly, if you will be participating in any sampling of product or giveaways, make sure to account for that in your booth design. For example, if you sell a food product and want to give out samples, you need to have a designated area or station to prepare and serve the food. Your serving station must also comply with the health rules and regulations of the trade show. On a similar note, if you are planning to give away any marketing materials or fun trinkets, give yourself room to do so. Plan ahead in your booth design to include tables and other flat surfaces to place your give away items where people will see them.

What other tips do you have when it comes to designing a trade show booth? Have you learned any significant lessons over the years of exhibiting or attending trade shows? In your opinion, what booth features stand out to you the most? Share your feedback in the comments below!

How Language Influences Perception in Packaging

Words matter. The terminology we use in our daily lives matters. This is applicable to all aspects of our lives, such as our personal relationships, career, and cultural expectations. Our thoughts and opinions are shaped by the words we use and the connotations that they carry.

The other day, I read an article by Todd Maute in an issue of Brand Packaging magazine that discussed the power of words in the consumer goods industry. Consider the word: private label. Depending on your generation and where you were raised, this word probably drums up a certain set of opinions for you. For instance, many people still associate private label with cheap or ‘knock off’ products.

Now consider the word: own brand. It may not be the best sounding or most natural term, but it instills a different set of perceptions. Although the two terms “private label” and “own brand” mean the same thing, they give off very different meanings. A simple change in terminology has helped shift and elevate the societal perceptions of store brand products.

H-E-B understood this 19 years ago, referring to the their brand as “own brand” as early as 1995 when it was not the norm. Today, many retailers have begun to adopt the term “own brand” or “store brand” to reflect the shift in consumer understanding. Maute elaborates, saying that by claiming the word “own brand,” retailers are making a statement. They are taking ownership of their products, investing in the brand, and redefining categories to increase the perceived value (page 09).

Perhaps the key takeaway from the entire article was the statement,

“ Use whatever terminology you like. The key is to pay attention to how language affects the way you think about and approach package design and branding” (page 09).

How can retailers create brands and packaging that makes an impression? Here are a few ways:

1. Check your words.

When drafting copy for your packaging or marketing material, take time to analyze your words and look in to other ways of saying things. Have several people read over the copy and give their honest feedback. If something doesn’t sound quite right, review other synonyms for that word. For example, the terms “meat replacement” and “meat alternative” mean essentially the same thing. But which sounds more appealing to you? Chances are your consumers will feel the same, so go with that option.

2. Don’t be a copycat.

This tip is especially important for private label products. It’s very simple, don’t be a copycat! Even if your product directly competes against a national brand product, don’t feel compelled to copy the exact look and feel. Consumers today are savvier than ever and are capable of knowing what your product is, without you mirroring the colors and structures of your competitors. Consumers, especially Millennial shoppers, don’t want to feel like they are buying a “knock off” product. That is not to say that you shouldn’t take into consideration category cues or colors, but “owning” your look and feel is a sign of confidence and pride, so OWN IT!

3. Give the design some personality.

This point goes hand in hand with the tip mentioned above. Give your packaging design some personality and flair. We know that consumers aren’t drawn to copycat packaging, so make an effort to be unique and stand apart from the other brands on shelf. Invest both time and money into the design; packaging is one of your best marketing tools! A few private label brands that do this particularly well are the Walgreens Ology brand, Publix Premium, and Duane Reade. All three of these brands have packaging design that is fun, appealing, colorful and full of personality – the complete opposite of a traditional private label or generic product. They’ve been very successful in the marketplace.

4. Ask yourself, “Would I purchase this product?”

When it comes down to it, honestly ask yourself, “Would I purchase this product?” Would you be proud to display or keep the packaging in your home? Or are you tempted to put it out only after you have removed the packaging? These may sound like silly questions, but they provide a lot of insight. At the end of the day, consumers want to be proud of the products they purchase. They want great products, at an affordable cost, that also look beautiful and well designed. Retailers that are proud to invest in their brand and packaging design will have very happy, loyal customers.

5. Edit, target and be specific.

Many companies want to tell costumers absolutely everything about their product on the package because of a fear that if they don’t, shoppers won’t “get it.” There are so many products out there – the average consumer shops a store with over 46,000 items but tends to buy the same 80-100 every week. Shouting at them won’t get their attention, but clearly communicating brand, claims, value and appeal through great packaging and targeted, specific language can.

What are other ways retailers and private label manufacturers can make an impression with packaging? As a consumer, how do words affect what you choose to purchase? How is the private label industry adapting to the shift in consumer perception? I’d love to hear from you, so please leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

Illustrator vs. Photoshop: Which is Right for You?

You are probably familiar with Illustrator and Photoshop. These are two of Adobe’s most popular programs and are used by everyone from design professionals to passionate creatives in their free time. They are both user-friendly graphics programs, but if you don’t have experience with the software or if you are just starting out on a project, you may not know which program is right for you.

As a graphic design firm, we use both programs on a daily basis. One program is not necessarily better than the other – it depends on the scope of the project and your desired outcome. Here is our quick guide to determine the differences and decide which software is best for your project:

Photoshop utilizes pixels

Photoshop is made up of small individual colored squares, otherwise known as pixels. These pixels can be arranged and combined to create whatever type of image you’d like. They can be independently altered to give you precise control over your edits. They give you the ability to create intricate designs, however, when scaled up and down they can lose quality and appear grainy or jagged.

Photoshop is best for editing images or photos

Photoshop was first created as a tool for photographers to edit their photos. It has since evolved and is the ideal program for creating web pages, video graphics, banner ads, social media cover photos and more. Using Photoshop is more akin to painting. The program contains a lot of unique filters, tools, and special effects that work great for editing photos that are staying at a fixed size.

Illustrator is vector-based

Adobe Illustrator is vector-based, which means that the program uses mathematical equations to create shapes. A line is formed from two dots connected by a computer algorithm, instead of just a line of pixels. Because of this, using Illustrator is more like drawing or drafting. The benefit of this is that a vector graphic will not lose its quality or clarity when resized. It gives you the ability to resize your creation to fit a number of different formats without sacrificing the dignity of the design.

Illustrator is best for logos or anything that needs to be printed or scaled

Illustrator is ideal for logo creation, or any design that needs to be scaled up or down in size. It is also a great program for anything that needs to be printed, since resolution is not typically a concern. Vector graphics give designs crisp, well-defined edges that won’t look blurry or fuzzy. The functions within Illustrator give the user great control over typography and it’s manipulation, which is why it is an ideal program for any print project.

When it comes down to it, both programs have advantages and disadvantages. Many times, they are used in concert with one another. Several functions are shared between the two, but are usually best handled by only one. We tend to use Illustrator for most of our projects, and usually only work in Photoshop when working with photos or special effects. Learning the ins and outs of each program, before beginning your project, will ultimately save you a lot of time and prevent unnecessary mistakes. Understanding the basic differences will help you determine which program is better suited for your needs, and will help you create more professional looking designs.

What other differences do you think are important to highlight? Do you have any other questions about Photoshop or Illustrator? Share your feedback or questions in the comments below!

How Emerging Lifestyles are Influencing Business Choices

An article came out recently on that was entitled, “Are Gourmet Grocery Stores Gentrifying Neighborhoods?

I was intrigued.

We know that we all chose the area we live in very carefully, considering everything from schools to traffic to convenience to life activities. Per this article, it seems that now more than ever before, we are choosing neighborhoods that fit our personal brand, and we want to surround ourselves with businesses that share our values.

Many have debunked or challenged the influence that generational mindsets, desires and habits have on buying habits in retail. I think it is fair to say that we can no longer ignore the fact that we live in a new paradigm. Gone are the days when business tell us what we want, how we should dress, act and eat and now it is the generational makeup, values, beliefs and lifestyles that are shaping the way business connect with the consumer.

As a growing business, it is important to know what values, activities, and traits of consumers we should all pay attention to as we shape our current and future branding and development activities.

Social responsibility and impact

It is a proven fact that businesses that have authentic social impact cultures and share them with customers command more loyalty, respect and value. There have been studies that found that all attributes being equal – taste, benefit, price and more – a product with a social impact component will win on shelf or online. Consumers of today want transparency, knowledge, authenticity and purpose. That is not to say that the purpose must be grand, but it has to be there and be relevant. There is a growing movement in the industry to create products and services that intertwine purpose into their strategic plans and business models – both for customer value and internal employee value and retention. It is time to ask yourself, how is my company integrating this new mindset, and if they aren’t, why not?

Health and balance

What consumers wanted in products in the past was much simpler – cost value, taste, convenience and a clear reason for purchase (think: low fat, super indulgent etc.) Today, what consumers want is far from simple. How do you blend health with great taste, convenience with environmentally responsible, and free from everything with cost value? It is hard. Some companies are doing a great job, others not so much. I wish I could say I have the magic answer on how to do this, but savvy, authentic and honest communication helps to set expectations, build trust and ultimately build brand equity. And package design is an essential component of all of this J


I have said this a million times, but we can no longer market to a white woman age 18-65. Our world is global with diversity in gender, race, ethnicity, wealth, values and taste profiles. We need to take the time to get to know who the ideal target customer is and what they truly want – and own it! Yes, it may narrow the market a bit, but it will ultimately create for more consistent, loyal customers and more reliable and stable businesses, outlets from which you can plan growth.

From a marketing perspective, we need to start to think about employing strategies that are “hyper local” versus broad and bland. Hispanic Millennials are at the center of this marketing trend demanding more customization and attention played to their uniqueness.

This new paradigm will over the next 10 years will change the way we go to market, create products and distribute them. Feathers will be ruffled, and those that keep an open mind, look to the future, and embrace it will endure.

What other factors do you think will play a big role in brand development in the future? As a consumer, what do you look for in a company or brand? How does your individual lifestyle affect your business choices? I’d love to hear from you, so please share your thoughts in the comment section below!